July Newsletter

And poof, there goes the first half of the year! Not sure about anyone else, but we are amazed at how fast the calendar continues to turn.

There are so many different metrics to track in our industry (check out the comprehensive report from Colonnade Advisors below), both on the micro and macro levels, and certainly no shortage of prognosticators willing to opine on a wide variety of items.

In the last 3-years, we have heard about a ‘digital transformation’, industry ‘electrification’, and the thought of ‘brick and mortar’ dealerships going by the wayside. Having read countless blogs, watched numerous videos, and participated in several conversations about these topics, we can assure you of two things; our industry is evolving, and the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Yes, our industry is evolving, what industries aren’t? At the end of the day the retail transaction so many of us are fortunate to participate in remains largely unchanged. Sure, there is a digital component to it these days. ‘Fresh ups’ on the lot don’t happen as often as they once did, but the process of qualifying, selecting, demonstrating, negotiating, and delivering are largely still intact, and that makes us happy.

At ADS we have a saying, ‘the process is the shortcut’. Over the last several years, many in retail have forgotten to follow the process while presenting and selling a vehicle, offering protection products in the business office, or recommending maintenance in the service drive.

In collaboration with the Greater Cleveland Auto Dealers Association, we are putting on a Summer Tune-Up Series for F&I, Sales, and Service. A ‘back to the basics’ if you will. We hope to see many of you, as you look to sharpen your skills, as we head into prime selling season. Registration for the classes are below.

Some shareworthy news items…

Colonnade Auto Dealerships Industry Report Spring 2023

ERC Tops The IRS’ Dirty Dozen List

New Vehicle Sales up 11% YoY

Events we will be attending:

Live2Lead – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/live2lead-cleveland-tickets-630417905927
RVDA – http://www.rvda.org/convention
F&I Product Conference – http://www.fandi-conference.com

Hope You All Had A Happy Independence Day

Bob and Ryan

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