As a franchised automotive dealer, each month you choose how to spend your advertising dollars. The goal is to sell more cars! So, how do you know if you are marketing to someone that is even interested to buy? How do you know you are marketing in the right areas? How do you find more conquest customers? Are you spending enough? Are you spending too much? What if you had the ability to know exactly when someone decided to start looking for a car, what type of car they were looking for AND you could immediately begin marketing your message to them? Could you sell more cars? Well, not only could you sell more cars, but the company that created the patented technology to provide dealers with this precision target-marketing, GUARANTEES you will.

When a customer decides to begin the digital journey, which is different for every purchaser, they are most influenced while they are making decisions and forming opinions doing their own online research. An article written by David Mogensen, Google’s head of YouTube Ads, November 2015, The 5 Auto Shopping Moments Every Brand Must Own, said, “It’s essential that you be there and be useful in these online moments, if you want to be one of the two visits to dealerships they make when ready to buy.” The problem for dealers is you don’t know when a customer has actually begun this journey. So, how can you be there in these critical moments?

With access to over 90% of connected devices, including smart phones, tablets, and desktop pc’s, Client Command has created a network that monitors over 60 billion URL’s on the world wide web. This network can precisely determine, with both offline identity data and online shopping behavior, the GPS coordinates of a shopper looking to buy a vehicle. In most cases, this information is provided to Client Command’s dealer partner within the first 48 hours of a customer’s shopping journey. This technology allows both Client Command and the dealership to begin promoting your dealerships branding and messaging to a customer at the very beginning and throughout their journey.

Client Command, with their patented Active Shopper Network™, has answered this question and is the only company available, that begins marketing to these shoppers within 48 hours of identifying an active shopper. From the point this shopper is identified, to the point they make a vehicle purchase, Client Command uses omni-channel marketing to put your dealerships branding and messaging in front of them. Most lead providers can’t access this type of data for typically 60-90 days AFTER a customer has begun their journey. Once lead providers begin selling dealers this data, they sell it to whoever is willing to pay for it. Meaning, you and the dealership across the street have the same leads! Client Command will never share any Active Shopper Network™ information with any other dealer. Most importantly, your dealership will be guaranteed Conquest and Retained vehicle sales, not leads. With access to your own dealer dashboard, the question of where the sale came from is answered. Each attribution point is charted for every customer, so you know exactly what led to that customer purchasing and the work Client Command did to influence that sale. All of this is happening without any expectation of a dealer participating in the process.

To help dealers solve this modern-day dilemma, Advanced Dealer Solutions has partnered with Client Command, to bring dealers across the country access to the patented Active Shopper Network™. If you are a dealer looking to maximize your marketing dollars, enable precision-target marketing and translate that into guaranteed vehicle sales, contact our offices at 844-320-3722 or send an email to [email protected]